Five Reasons Branding Photography is more Important than Ever

In a world where it is imperative for brands to tell their story and connect with their audience, photography has never been more important. Here are five reasons why branding photography is imperative to your brand and business.

1. Visual Communication and Emotion

Even if you don’t consider yourself a visual person, humans tend to remember images more effectively than text.  Professional photography has the ability to quickly convey your brand’s message, values and most of all, the emotion you want your customers and clients to feel when surrounded by your business. When you look at your website, social media feeds, do you feel the imagery conveys the emotion you want? 

2. First Impressions

This just goes back to basics, doesn’t it? Think about the last time you saw an intriguing photo on Instagram, I bet you went down a rabbit hole wanting to learn more.  Who took this photo? What clothing line is this? What else does this brand sell or offer? Well-executed branding photography can create a positive and lasting first impression, increasing the likelihood of customer engagement and conversion. First - impressions - matter!

3. A chance to tell your story

We’re here for storytelling, we’re here for the journey, we’re here for the details. Branding photography, if done right, can tell a compelling story about your brand. It can convey the history, values, culture, and mission of your company, helping customers connect with your brand on a deeper level. It’s like when you open that Free People catalog you get in the mail and can’t wait to see the location, the clothes, the theme!  It takes you on a ride and that’s what the goal should be with every branding shoot you do for your business. 

4. Creates Brand Trust and Recognition

To be honest, this was the thing that I struggled with the most when I started my business years ago.  I was all over the place with my work and what I posted on IG and my website. It wasn’t until I committed to showing up with consistency that changed the game for me.  This is how you create brand trust and recognition. If your imagery is beautiful, professional and consistent across all your platforms, your customers are going to know you from anyone else within milliseconds.  I promise.   

5. Products and Services

If your business is product based, a branding session is the PERFECT opportunity to showcase what you offer! Trust me when I say that there is a difference between a photo of your skin care line shot on an iphone via portrait mode verses a gallery of professional images shot with gorgeous light, textures, an overall conception and vision, plus an organized shot list that you discussed with your photographer.  This is an opportunity to highlight your best sellers, an upcoming launch as well as your product’s features and benefits.  I rest my case.

I hope this was helpful and if you would like to learn more, don’t hesitate to shoot me an email! xo