Carly for The I Collect Wigs Series // Crisp White Pantsuit Theme

As I continue exploring the wig series with others, I am learning so much not only about the art itself, but what it means to them.

// You met Carly last year where we discovered her amazing triumph with breast cancer, a double mastectomy and losing her husband. She truly touched me with her story and I was so honored to document such a significant moment in time for her. A year later, she emailed me with interest in another wig series session. I may or may not have gasped with delight for the rest of the afternoon.

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>> Here are the reasons Carly wanted to revisit the series in her own words:

“I just finished cancer treatment! I have boobs! It’s been a year without my husband. That’s all to say that I’m not sure what this version of life is or has in store for me, but I’d like to document this moment. I’d like to look at my photos and feel beautiful and fierce - I’m a widow who battled cancer and a whole bunch of other shit and I’m doin it on my own. That’s kinda fierce. Also, I think I’m trying to figure out fierce. I look at my first session and see the vulnerable, sad and lost Carly. For this session I want to look back and see the Carly who is putting one foot in front of the other even though she doesn’t always feel strong enough.”

Thank you Carly for trusting me with your vulnerability, for being so brave and for being so fun to hang out with every single time. You’ve touched my life and I hope we continue this photo series together in the future.

If you’re interested in a wig series session, shoot me an email because just like Carly, I know your story is worth telling (even if all you want to do is play dress up and sip champagne - oh yes, let’s).